Why Create Dollar After Dollar? 2

Time to get this party started! I have so many different topics I want to write about but I thought I would start with a question… Why? Why create this site, and furthermore, why on finance? The answer is simple really…PASSION. I have a passion for finance, and I wanted to share what I know with other people. I don’t claim to be an expert, I’m just a fella who has spent the last nine years reading, and improving my financial knowledge on a daily basis. I’ve made the mistakes, and forced myself to learn from them. I want to help people because their million-dollar dream is achievable if they can realize the potential of their money. Oh what a freeing feeling it is to know you’re on the right track, and once you figure it out, you will feel like Jack and Rose on the bow of the Titanic, soaring to financial freedom (I’ll make sure to steer you clear of icebergs). So I’ll keep this opener short and sweet… Houston we have liftoff!


Tracking what I spend.


This is an area I have failed many times. I used to budget one month, then say forget it the next month, then realize I have no money and I need a budget again and so on… (Kind of like your friend who always goes back to the same gf/bf who you know isn’t right for them). This inconsistency had me feeling like I was running in mud, and by mud I mean concrete, because I was going nowhere. I want to show you what I did to get out of this terrible cycle, and how I reached a point where I had a surplus of cash that is continuously growing without an increase in income. I’ve been in debt more than once, which is what really led me to figure out how my money actually works. I’m still finding ways to accelerate my savings rate and ride off into the sunset of financial freedom (Sunset optional).


Spending less means you can invest the rest.


I have failed many, many, times investing. I’ve day-traded currencies, bought the hottest penny stocks, (The Wolf on Wall Street got me) and blindly purchased companies I had no knowledge about. One great thing about failure is you LEARN from your mistakes. I want to teach you the mistakes I’ve made and what I’ve learned to correct them. I’m a huge proponent of index funds, (which is something we will dig into) and buying solid companies with long track records for long periods of time. I’ve read a lot of books that have helped me get to this point. I will share with you my taxable account each month and why I buy certain companies.




I’m always looking for new ways to make money on the side. I’ve done everything from e-commerce, to owning my own Christmas tree stand.   I have many different ideas for side hustles, and a strong interest in passive income as a business start up. Testing them out will be something I do regularly on the side. If the business is successful, I will show you the steps I take to make a profit. If not, we can all learn from my experiences.


My hope is that I can help as many people as I can, that have gone through financial turmoil. That is why I created this site. Dollar after dollar you can stack your way closer to wealth accumulation, and tell debt to “ Cut it out” (Yeah, that was a full house reference). I’ve seen too many people around me treat money like it’s a river that never stops flowing, who can’t wait for the next paycheck so they can blow it again, and swipe their credit card into debt above their fedora hat (Stop wearing those). The financial freedom mission isn’t impossible, and you’ll be the wealth accumulation Tom Cruise.


Let’s get stackin’,



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2 thoughts on “Why Create Dollar After Dollar?

  • Brian Horrach

    Bro I really love what you are doing here. Us young folks struggle with money and blowing it on the weekends and living the moment and not planning for the future and I’ll admit I’ve failed so many times with this. I’d love to have some of your ideas and get back on track fianically especially with a friend that I’ve known since middle school and can still call a friend.

    • giancola.andrew@gmail.com Post author

      I really appreciate the kind words! I’m always here to help, so if you have any questions let me know. I’ll be posting articles once a week as well giving thoughts, ideas, and actionable items you can use everyday.

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