
You will never build wealth by just saving money.  In fact, if you keep saving, you will go broke.  I can not stress this enough. I am determined to ring this bell until everyone in the world hears it.  Too many people in this world don’t understand how their money works. It is why I believe personal finance should be taught in every middle and high school across America.  Let’s […]

If You Don’t Invest Your Money You Will Go Broke

Save your first 100k
I saved 100k before I turned 25.  It was the most difficult financial milestone I have ever tried to accomplish. Nothing has yet to compare.  Charlie Munger, who is Warren Buffett’s right-hand man famously said this at one of Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meetings.  The first $100,000 is a b*#%h, but you gotta do it.  Chuck talked about how necessary it is to get to that point.  I don’t care […]

How to Save Your First $100K

The phrase “life hack” is overused on the internet today. Some hacks are cool, but most teach you how clean your windows faster or turn your chip bag into a bowl. What I want to show you is a LIFE CHANGING hack. A hack so Hackalicious it will blow your mind. A Hackstrocity if you will.   The cliche says, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. Yet when we think how the smallest of […]

Planting Seeds For Money Trees

  A wise man once said “Safety first, then teamwork”. Well today, we’re going to work on the safe side, which gives you the balance to pursue your passion and take risks that will enable you to achieve higher investing goals. If those goals cause you to stumble, your safety net will catch your fall, so you don’t hit rock bottom.  We do not want to be singing “started from […]

3 Ways to Build a Retirement Safety Net