Never Pay Full Price For Anything

Never Pay Full Price For Anything 2

Do you like stuff? Are you known as the fancy pants in your group but tired of paying full price to keep those pants so fancy? Well, do I have a treat for you. I have found a nifty way to buy things you want for less than full price, sometimes 50% off the price.


What is the golden ticket you ask?



Gift Cards.


Gift cards are your one way ticket to savings town. Not just any gift cards but gift cards that you buy for less than they are worth.


One of my favorite sites for finding discounted gift cards is Gift Card Granny. Just like your Granny, you can save your mula, but unlike granny, you’re ballin’ out at Nordstrom, not the thrift store (#Imgonnapopsometags). Here is how the site works: you search for the store you want to make a purchase and Gift Card Granny will scan all the discount gift card sites. Then you buy the card that fits your price range. I have had great service from Cardpool and Save YA .


You can find saving on cards that range from 4% off the retail Mecca that is Amazon, to 40% off H&M (If you’re not good at math, that means you can get $100 worth of stuff for $60). It does not end there. I have purchased Lowe’s and Home Depot gift cards for 12% off, restaurant gift cards for 30% off, and AMC gift cards for 20% off. If there is a store that you frequently peruse, you will most likely find a gift card at a discount.


Take my favorite store on earth for example, Dicks Sporting Goods. They have the three G’s anybody could ever want golf, guns, and gear. Workout gear, fishing gear, tailgate gear, ALL THE GEAR. Anyways, I buy a gift card from any of the aforementioned sites to Dicks for 10-25% off the value of the card. Then I get a coupon for 25% off the purchase price (which Dicks frequently mails) and Boom Shaka Lacka, you’ve got yourself a fresh pair of Nike’s for a fraction of the cost.



What if I want it NOW!?



You can have your cake and eat it too. Most sites will have options on the type of card you can buy. If you are impatient and can not wait another second, go digital. If there is a better deal and you are not going to dinner until the weekend, buy physical cards. I buy digital for the most part, which entails a bar code being emailed to you after your purchase. You just print off the gift card and use it at the store. Physical cards on the other hand, will be mailed to your house.


To sum it up, if you like saving on all the wants and needs you have, then look into buying discount gift cards . It’s a great way to keep another chunk of your money, especially if you are planning on making a big purchase. Imagine how much money you can keep if you save another 10% of every dollar you spend! Full disclosure, it’s a boatload!


Here are my 3 favorite discount gift card sites:

Save YA




Good day.


I said good day!







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